Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Reseacher's Thoughts

So now that I have my first substantial post on my subject matter I wanted to do a small post on my thought process on researching and blogging. In my opinion I feel that longer blog posts will become overwhelming for readers so I want to try and make several smaller posts throughout the week. I'm hoping that this will make it easier for those following along. As far as the actual research I have found several articles already but at this point I think I will contain my weekly posts and research to just one or two. Also, at this point the majority of my research posts will most likely be quotations that I have found interesting. This is because I do not know much about the topic and am relying heavily on the knowledge of others. As my research continues I'm hoping that my blogs will shift to more of my own thoughts and collected knowledge of the subject.

The most interesting fact I have learned at this point would be the use of the funerary masks used by actors to imitate the deceased.

1 comment:

  1. Caira,

    I like your approach to how you are going to post. I was worried about how to not make my blog post too long but to have an interesting blog for fellow students. I will probably take your advice and add in interesting quotes. I too had planned on doing one to two articles a week and telling everyone about them.

    I am also extremely excited to read your blog post throughout the semester. Like many history buffs I have always had a love for Ancient Rome. I am looking forward to seeing the research that you find and your interpretation of their funeral and burial practices.
