Sunday, October 13, 2013

Taking a Break

I thought for this weeks post I would take a break from hounding you with information from the books I have been reading and try to find something a little more fun.

The above video talks about various aspects of funeral and burial practices that I have previously mentioned as well as some new practices that I haven't. It has some great visual footage of burial sites.

This video is of an archeology group opening a Roman coffin. Sad and interesting at the same time the coffin holds two bodies-an adult and a child.

I hope you enjoy the videos as much as I did. I thought it would be nice to get some visual representation up and give you all a break from reading my long posts. 


  1. I really enjoy your blog posts so far - especially the informational videos, which add very nicely to what you've been talking about. I thought the second video of the archeology group uncovering a coffin containing two bodies was really interesting as well. Looking forward to more!

  2. I enjoyed the list of gladiators. One of my favorite depictions of the Roman gladiators is Gladiator, which I think does an excellent job of depicting some of the aspects that your link show cases. I wonder if Marcus Aurelius is a real gladiator?

    The first video was very intriguing. I was taken aback by the fact that the tomb was often referred to as the "flesh eater". This does make sense, to me at least. I myself want to be cremated because I feel as though I will be eaten if I was not so I can understand the reference.

    I looked up the definition of inhumation: which means to bury, or place in a grave. I found it interesting as well that the Roman's went back and forth from cremation to inhumation. I had always thought about the separation of the graves from the city as being a means to prevent diseases and a separation from the living and the dead. I did not think about the practical aspect of fire being dangerous. Since there was so many cremations being done there would be a lot of fire and that would indeed be dangerous. I enjoyed how the Romans viewed the funeral as a celebration and created monuments both large and small for their dead.

    I agree with Meighan that the second video was interesting too. I am planning to make a career as an archaeologist so of course I wanted to see what this video held. I feel as though this video displayed the real life ideologies of the Roman practice of burying multiple people inside a single coffin. One can also see the practice of placing grave goods in the coffin.

    I look forward to seeing more!
