Sunday, December 15, 2013


I created this blog as part of an assignment for my Perspectives in Death and Dying class at Southeast Missouri State University. My goal was to research the funeral and burial practices of Ancient Rome. When I started this blog I thought this assignment would be easy and something fun and interesting. It did turn out to be fun and interesting but it was definitely not easy.

What I did not take into consideration when I started this project was how large the Ancient Roman Empire actually was. It covered lots of different countries with different traditions and religions that had various effects on the funeral and burial practices. In reality it would take a lot more than a semester to properly examine the various traditions under the empire.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed reading on my topic and found that the first book I read "Spectacles of Death in Ancient Rome" by Donald G. Kyle to be the most informative and a lot of the articles I read after that became somewhat repetitive. To find new information I probably would have needed to refine my search to look at different areas conquered by the Romans and look at their funeral and burial traditions.

The most important aspects that I want to revisit and cover in my power point are how they disposed on the arena victims, the funeral procession with the masks, burial practices outside the city walls/burial sacrifice, and other smaller traditions that may not have been widely practiced but were still interesting.

I hope you all have enjoyed reading this blog and I might continue my investigations and updates just for my own personal entertainment.

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